About Us

The Name?
Kuku & Oosh are the nicknames of my two babies who inspired me to create this.

The why?
As a Mum I don't find it difficult finding boutique style clothing for my kids, there is plenty, right! What I do find difficult is finding those cute boutique pieces with reasonable price tags.

Having two adventurous, wild spirited kids, it seemed silly dressing them every day in expensive clothing that would end up stained with the days fun. But as most mums could agree, there is a fuzzy, warm feeling you get dressing up your babies (while they still let you!)

As an online shopper I searched for those cute little pieces I wanted and hoped to find reasonably priced versions that didn't fall short on quality - however, apart from big department stores or waiting for sales, sadly there is not much out there!

My determination set in and I had a goal to create this myself. My aim was to provide high quality items, for a quarter of the price! And I am super grateful that I was able to do it!

We are proud to have high quality, adorable clothes without a rip off price tag! This makes shopping for your little ones super easy and accessible to all.

Make sure to follow us on @kukuandoosh for our adorable customer photos and be part of the growing Kuku & Oosh family. Thank you for being part of the journey!